Gully Boys are a three-piece band from Minnesota. The band, being named Minnesota's Best New Music Act in 2018, are a nationally touring group catching traction.
We recently got the chance to talk with Gully Boys about music here and music to come.

1. How did the beginning stages of your music careers start out? What and who were some of your biggest inspirations?
We all didn't know how to play our instruments when we started so it was ROUGH! Kathy had written some songs prior to our formation that we jammed out to and decided that that was not the direction we wanted to go in. Neopet Graveyard was the first song we had written where we felt like we encapsulated the sound that we wanted. We draw lots of inspiration from PJ Harvey, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys and Panic! at the Disco.
2. What can you tell us about the creative process behind your music?
Kathy and Natalie have a separate practice once a week where they come up with melodies and lyrics. They then bring them to Nadi, where they edit the structure and add dimension and flesh out the details! Lots of workshops and different variations of the songs are made before the finished product!

3. What inspired the name Gully Boys?
Kathy loved the movie Fern Gully as a child and we wanted to incorporate the word BOYS into our name having all wanted to be in a boy band growing up. We tried a few options, Mediocre Boys and Birthday Boys, we even tried Fern Girls but as we were leaving our first practice, Kathy turned around and yelled GULLY BOYS! and we just decided right there that is what we should be called!

4. I know you were named Minnesota’s Best New Band in 2018, tell us a little about this experience!
We didn't see it coming AT ALL! The moment we found out, we call facetimed each other and cried our little eyes out. We got an influx of musical inquiries and got to play FIRST AVE MAIN STAGE (WHATT!!?) It was all a flurry of emotions and we felt overwhelmed by support and Minnesota's recognition of our hard work.
5. I know you recently release your single “Little Brother”, tell us more about this ode to older siblings.
Older sisters, specifically, don't get enough credit for raising their younger siblings. We see the part of growing up that parents don't usually see and we carry a lot of weight for them. We just want the best for our sibs.

6. And finally, what can we expect for the future from Gully Boys?
We have another music video in the works for a brand new single we hope to release this fall! And then some other fun things that we cant announce yet, but be excited for December!
You can follow Gully Boys on Instagram @gullyboysband and find their music here:
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