Happy First Birthday Lovers Spit Mag!
One year ago today we launched Lovers Spit Magazine. I (Averi) was in New York City and anxiously counting down the moments to launch. In the previous months, Jacky and I had been working up a storm preparing our love child for the world.
Here's a year in review and the story of Lovers Spit Magazine.

Jacky and I met in May of 2018 after being mutuals on twitter for some time. According to Jacky, I was actually the first person she had slid into the DM's to talk to (hehe).
The first time we hung out was actually going to see LA Witch at Opolis on May 7th 2018. This kicked off a wonderful and supportive friendship that I'll cherish for all of time.

We became super close after traveling to Dallas together on June 10th 2018 to see Sunflower Bean, a show I was shooting for another publication.

As time went on Jacky and I both talked about starting our own publication, but words remained words. On March 6th of 2019 we saw Elvis Depressedly at 89th St Collective in OKC and decided then and there to just do the thing already!

Seeing shows together have become big milestones in our friendship, and describes ourselves and our relationship perfectly.
After this we began planning the magazine and brainstorming names, some honorable mentions include: Stranger Magazine, The haunted Magazine, and Alive Magazine.
Obviously we decided on Lovers Spit Magazine, a name inspired by Lovers Spit by Broken Social Scene and lyrics from Ribs by Lorde.
Our launch came April 11th 2019. The joy and excitement of our launch and the inspiration of being in NYC was, and still is, one of the happiest times of my life. The support and love from you all was so far beyond what we ever expected.

Our first event post launch was Norman Music Festival, and I honestly believe this was one of our biggest moments. Not only did we get to get our publication out there and shoot some great artists, but we met so many of you!

The summer after our launch we had our first small scale event. Jacky had the idea for a summer soiree on July 4th. We met up at the lake in OKC, so many wonderful friends and new friends turned out-it was a magical time.

Since then we've met some of the most incredible local artists, creatives, and music lovers. We've done so many wonderful interviews, we've shot some amazing projects and shows.

It's been one incredible year and we can't wait to put in another!
As for the future of Lovers Spit Magazine you can expect more interviews, more concert series, and hopefully a few events!
We also still plan to put out our first print issue, which has been delayed by current events, but stay tuned.
Finally, here are some links to some of our favorite moments from the past year, cheers!
(to name a few)